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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sesame Chick'non

One of the most important things I have gained since the days when I consumed the same S.A.D. fare that most do is new perspective. As what you use to fuel your body changes, so does the way you see things. What I often hear from omnivores, vegetarians and even vegans who eat primarily cooked food is, "Oh I don't think I could ever give up ___" (fill in the blank). Some people don't think they can live without bacon, for others they cannot imagine a life without cheese, still others don't believe they could ever cease enjoying their cooked favorites. These are, of course, self-fulfilling prophecies. You are never able to do something until you first believe you can; your own perceived limitations will keep you from even attempting. It is only by being able and willing to see things differently that things become open to the possibility of change. What I always stress whenever I hear one of these "I could never give up" phrases, is that a change of perspective is needed. For me, the transition to veganism, and then raw, has never been about what I was giving up, but rather what I was gaining-and I have gained many things. I didn't give up meat; I gained a more healthful approach to life. I didn't give up dairy; I gained compassion. I didn't give up a lucrative position in upper management at a giant corporate steakhouse; I gained knowledge of what I really need and want out of life, (not to mention a new business that will replace fivefold the wealth I might have made, and the joys and learning lessons of being your own boss). It's easy to focus on what we don't have, especially as an all-prevalent scarcity itself has been commodified, put in a pretty package and sold to us. What if every time we began to worry about what we don't have (more money, shinier possessions, giant houses) we stopped and thought about five things we do have and are grateful for? We would all soon begin to learn that abundance is all around us. Sitting now on my porch as I type this, listening to the rain fall, refreshing the earth, the renewal of a full-flung spring is all about me. Just think, all winter the trees sit in silence, looking barren and almost lifeless. Still, every spring, without fail, as though from nowhere, leaves, buds, berries and more shoot out from branches from some unseen hiding place. Never once does a tree worry about what if spring never comes, what if it doesn't rain enough, what if sunshine isn't abundant enough. If we examined long and hard, what the trees need to live abundantly are the same things that we do. Living abundantly has nothing to do with having two houses, four cars and enough possessions to fill a department store catalog. I am abundant in joy, abundant in grace, abundant in faith, abundant in bliss. My abundance is something that springs forth from inside me, and this makes me abundant in gratitude, for I know that these are things that can never be taken away. I can lose my job, all my money, everything I own-why these things are transient by their very nature-all things that can be replaced (if there is one thing our world is abundant in these days it certainly is man-made stuff) and while I would not wish for such occurrences, neither do I fear them. For I know that what is inside me can never be taken, not by force, not by loss, not no how as they say. What is inside me cannot be taken, it can only be given, and as we gain by the act of giving, giving of them is no loss, but further gain.
Eating raw, for me, has never been about being restricted, or about giving up, indeed it has been quite the opposite. It has been an opening, receiving; I have gained much. So if you are thinking about transitioning to raw, or if you already have but feel like you have lost something, I suggest that all you need is a shift in perspective. Don't worry about all your favorite cooked food dishes that you are "giving up", instead think about all the wonderful new raw dishes, the myriad opportunities to try something new, that you are gaining. And, as always, feel fortunate. Be grateful that in a world where unhealthy, modified "food" products saturate our daily lives you have found a natural, healthy alternative. And, of course, be glad that help in transitioning is available, and recipes are abundant, like this one, which mirrors a popular Chinese take-out dish. As always, be well and enjoy in splendid health.

Sesame Chick'non

This recipe has a lot of ingredients, and a number of steps, but don't let that scare you away. This is relatively easy to prepare and-aside from some time in the dehydrator-quite quick. Plus it's amazingly delicious, making this a great dish to introduce newbies to raw food with. You may even fool them into thinking it's cooked!

Yields: About four dozen nuggets plus enough sauce, noodles and veggies for all those delicious nuggets. This makes enough for a dinner for five or six, and is a great dish to bring to a potluck. Cut the recipe in half if it's just for you, or your afraid you won't eat it all in about a week's time.

The Noodles:

2 medium yellow squash
Olive oil

Though you can't see them in the above photo, I generally serve the veggies and nuggets on a bed of spiralized yellow squash. Skin the squash. If they are long, I cut them in half before putting them through the spiralizer, and usually remove a small wedge lengthwise from the squash to keep the noodles on the shorter side. Once you have your noodles, toss them in a little olive oil and spread them on a dehydrator tray. Dehydrate for 25-40 minutes at 110 degrees.

The Sauce:

1 cup tamari or Nama Shoyu (although tamari is not a raw product, Nama Shoyu contains gluten, whether you want to keep the dish entirely raw, but risk not being able to enjoy it with gluten-allergic friends is up to you)
1 cup agave
1 cup fresh orange juice
4 cloves garlic, rough chop
ginger, about the size of your thumb, skinned and chopped
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons red pepper flakes

1 tablespoon white sesame seeds
1 tablespoon black sesame seeds

This one is the easiest of all. Blend everything but the sesame seeds in your vita-mix or other high speed blender until uniformly combined. Then mix in the sesame seeds by hand.

The Veggies:

1-2 heads Broccoli, cut to small florets
1 red bell pepper, sliced into strips
2 green bell peppers, slice into strips
1 red onion, peeled, cut in half and then cut into medium sized squares
12 medium White mushrooms, cut to medium slices
Half one medium Pineapple, skinned, cored, and cut into matchsticks
24 pea pods, whole

Prep for this is super easy, clean and cut the veggies and fruit (except the pea pods) as outlined above. Mix in a large mixing bowl and toss in enough sauce-how much is your call-to coat. Transfer to a sealed container and put in the fridge for a few hours to marinate, this will soften them up nicely. Then spread over dehydrator tray(s) and dehydrate at 110 degrees until desired softness; I usually leave them in for about 3-4 hours.

Sesame Nuggets:

2 cups walnuts
3 cups sunflower seeds
1 cup sun dried tomatoes, soaked
1 medium yellow onion, rough chop
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/3 cup red bell pepper, rough chop
1 T sage
1 T tamari or Nama Shoyu
1 t cumin
1/2 t turmeric

1 T vegetable lechtin

Process everything except lechtin in food processor until smooth and uniform. Stir in lechtin by hand (this is used as a thickening agent, but can be omitted). Using a small cookie dropper scoop into regular-sized balls on dehydrator sheets. Using a spatula or the back of a spoon flatten and shape into nugget-like pieces (keeping a little water nearby to wet your implement with occasionally makes this much easier). Dehydrate at 110 degrees until they can be flipped without falling apart-about 3-4 hours-flip and dehydrate another hour. Once they are firm enough to withstand being tossed in a bowl, remove from dehydrator, toss a half dozen at a time in a bowl with the sauce and place back in dehydrator until dry inside, usually about another two hours.

The Garnish:
Once everything is done all you have to do is put the pieces together and garnish. Make a bed of noodles on your dish with the squash, heap on a generous portion of the veggies, top with nuggets, drizzle some extra sauce atop, and add

white sesame seeds
black sesame seeds
red pepper flakes

Sit back and enjoy the sight of your masterpiece for a few seconds, because it's sure to be devoured quickly. Enjoy!

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